2020-08-03 17:58:43

CTIS | Striving for a well-off life and opening up a new era

This morning, a Chinese Television Industry Summit with the theme of “Striving for a well-off life· Recording the new era” opened the curtain of the 26th Shanghai TV Festival. This is an unusual year. China\'s television industry is facing profound changes due to the sudden COVID-19 outbreak. Under this background, industry leaders from TV stations, video platforms and film and television production institutions have made speeches of deep insight about the current situation and future of China\'s television industry. “Feeling with the people, advancing with the country and moving with the times” were the key words of the guests\' speeches.

Feeling with the people, paying attention to people\'s livelihood and sticking to the position

“It is undoubtedly of very special significance for the current session of Shanghai TV Festival, as the first TV Festival held in China under the background of normalized prevention and control, to meet you again.” Before the forum started, Yu Xiufen, director of Shanghai Radio and Television Bureau, delivered a welcome speech on behalf of Shanghai Radio and Television Bureau and the Organizing Committee of Shanghai TV Festival. She said that although the epidemic has brought impact and pressure to the industry, it has also brought opportunities and impetus for the transformation and upgrading of the industry, and inspired TV people\'s courage to seek opportunity from hazard and forge ahead. She also said that the TV Festival will focus on major themes such as achieving an all-round well-off society and fighting against poverty, showing the determination of the TV industry to sail against the current.

The sudden COVID-19 outbreak has brought about an influence of great intensity and an unprecedented broad scope. Faced with crisis, how to magnify the guidance of public opinion and program innovation of mainstream media has become a challenge that TV people must face. Song Jiongming, director of Shanghai Radio and TV Station and president of Shanghai Media Group, showed their “achievements” in the war against the epidemic first: Shanghai Radio and TV station was the first media to report the outbreak in China, and also one of the first media which sent a report team to Wuhan. At that time, with an average broadcasting time of 5.7 hours per day, the Dragon TV became the provincial satellite TV with the longest broadcasting time and the most broadcasting frequency of epidemic prevention news. He said that it was the long-term adherence to the idea of establishing a station based on news that ensured that Shanghai Radio and Television Station would charge ahead in a crisis, keep voiced, not follow suit or act blindly, and effectively act as the "watchman" of public safety and the authoritative issuer of epidemic prevention information in the complicated public opinion field.

Yu Junsheng, secretary of the Party group and director of Beijing Radio and Television Station, put forward the “consciousness of the first battle”, “The key to winning a war is to win the first battle. The key to winning the first battle is to have a "sharp knife" force of “Sending me to the first battle and winning the victory.” In the first half of this year, Beijing TV station, with such a “consciousness of the first battle”, put itself into the propaganda campaign of epidemic prevention and control. More than 200 reporters from the whole station went to the front line of epidemic prevention and control for interview and reporting, and 12 reporters went to Wuhan and entered the most dangerous quarantine zone for 65 days. By the end of July, more than 70 columns and special programs related to epidemic prevention and control had been broadcast, 132000 reports and more than 500 public service announcements had been broadcast, “On our  new media platform “Beijing time”, the number of hits of relevant reports is more than 2 billion. Our anti epidemic propaganda reports have been praised by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television for 17 times.”

Hunan Radio and Television Station has also made several “firsts” in epidemic propaganda work: “The first to adjust the arrangement of controversial programs, the first to open a news column on epidemic prevention and control in prime time, the first to create public welfare propaganda films and theme MV, and the first to hold anti epidemic theme party.” Gong Zhengwen, deputy secretary of the Party committee, general manager and director of Golden Eagle Broadcasting System Co., Ltd. (Hunan Radio and Television station), said that during the outbreak, Hunan Satellite TV also took the lead in launching a new production mode of cloud recording, a small New Year party responding to targeted poverty alleviation and a Lantern Festival family party with anti-epidemic theme, which can be described as “daily cloud event”.

Compile the History and Cast the Soul with National Industry Quality Projects

The strong return of television platform during the COVID-2019 epidemic fully indicates that the content is still the king in the television industry. Facing the major social change resulting from the global COVID-2019 epidemic, the mainstream radio and television media should maintain stability, strengthen the management of internal work, firmly improve the productivity of headline content, deeply implement the "New Era Quality Project", compile the history for the country, and cast the soul for the nation.

Based on the theme of "win the battle of poverty alleviation, and secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects" throughout the year, Shanghai Media Group is focusing on the production of three documentaries: "Work Together for a Sunny Day" and "Well-off Life in China", and the documentary for foreign propaganda "China on the Way". Depending on the successful experience in producing the theme TV series "Like a Flowing River", "Like a Flowing River II" will be launched at the end of this year. Focusing on the major theme of the "100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China", Shanghai Media Group will produce the radio drama "Ode to Longhua" and the documentary "Revolutionary" together with Longhua Memorial Hall of Martyrs, and launch a documentary series "Ideal Shines China" and the special program of the brand program "Heroes". In addition, Shanghai Media Group will also produce two TV series "The Battle of Shanghai" and "Meritorious" and an animation film "Dawn in July ".

Song Jiongming said that these major projects are all closely linked to major nodes, respond to national strategies, highlight Shanghai characteristics, and pass on the Chinese spirit. Under the background of capricious international situation and continuous spread of global COVID-2019 epidemic, that to produce these excellent works and implement the "New Era Quality Project" is not only to complete the national mission, but also to seek opportunities in crisis, turn crises into opportunities, and enhance the internal demand of core competitiveness for mainstream radio and television media.

In recent years, Beijing Media Network has produced a number of excellent works on major themes. The program "Archives" produced by Beijing TV has continuously launched more than 10 major theme documentaries and popular theory TV programs. The " History of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea ", "Great Contribution", and "Tibet "Songs of the Long March", "Come From Jinggangshan", "Interpretation to Keys of Reform and Opening Up", and a series of major theme works such as "All-Round Decoding of Moderarely Prosperous Society in All Aspects" and "Heroic Sons and Daughters" to be played this year, build a highland for propaganda of mainstream public opinions in the capital.

Yu Junsheng revealed that focusing on the theme of poverty alleviation and building a moderately prosperous society, Beijing TV also launched a special column "Beijing\'s Actions for Poverty Alleviation", TV series for cultural poverty alleviation "Books Open Everywhere", original radio drama " Pear Flowers Bloom on the Mountain", welfare live broadcast program "Symphony of Purchase in Beijing and Hubei", "Group Purchase for a Well-off Life" and other works and programs.

Gong Zhengwen also introduced the planning of Hunan Broadcasting System on the two major  themes, that is, the moderately prosperous society in all respects and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, including the music epic "Earthchants", the film "The First Normal", the TV series "The Country Is So Rich in Beauty", "Overcome Hard Knocks", TV theory topic "Start from the Eighteen Cave Village", "Loyalty Youth in the Earth" and the documentary "China", etc.

Sun Zhonghuai, Vice President of Tencent and CEO of Shanghai Tencent Penguin Film Culture Communication said that Tencent Video has made deployment in advance, and actively made well the propaganda on related topics. For example, the channel with the theme of moderately prosperous society has been launched, and the arrangement on TV series, documentaries, and varieties has been made throughout the year. The TV series "Duties of a Great Power" participated by Tencent Video is about to start shooting. This TV series is based on the event that the Chinese medical team assisting Africa fights against the Ebola virus, which passes on a concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind. "In addition, we have successively launched a series of positive energy works, such as "Secret Service 8", "Like a Flowing River II", "Bullet Hole", and "Our Times", to praise the new era and sing the main theme."

Sun Zhonghuai said that as a mainstream media platform, we need to continue to meet the needs of users with good contents, and pass on positive values with more works of positive energy. On the one hand, Tencent Video insists on long-term and stable investment in content, conveys emotions with ingenuity, and brings good stories to the audience. On the other hand, we also believe that in addition to the market value, emotional value and social value are more important factors to measure the quality of a work.

Zhao Yifang, Founder and President of Zhejiang Huace Media Group, said that Huace always insists on the original intention and mission of producing high-quality contents. Focusing on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Huace is producing the youth reportage dramas reflecting the struggle stories of young party members at the grass-roots level across the country. In addition, the revolutionary historical theme "Mission of Top Secret ", the anti-epidemic theme "Story of nobodies", "The City of Heroes" and so on are all under production in full force.

"NRTA" system is being blueprinted for the new era 

The advent of the 5G era is triggering a new round of technological innovation. 5G, 4K, Internet of things, artificial intelligence and other information technologies will bring infinite possibilities to the radio and television industry. Standing at the forefront of the current revolution, TV makers must take the unprecedented opportunity, follow the "general trend" of the omnimedia era, and compile a "great chapter" about media integration and development. 

Peng Jianming, general manager of the general manager office of China Media Group and deputy editor-in-chief of CCTV, put forward the idea of "content is the foremost, and technology is the base". Take CCTV\'s exploration of convergence media as an example, "in the first half of this year, CCTV news client achieved a historic breakthrough in business revenue. This client has created nearly 300 million yuan of value for us in half a year." During the epidemic period, CCTV launched special programs of "Live Streaming Ecommerce", which were also recognized by enterprises and the market. But he also mentioned that high-quality content is still the core competitiveness of TV stations. He cited CCTV Spring Festival gala as an example, "we have done copyright sales of the Spring Festival gala for 30 years, which shows that content with quality, brand and value will always be popular and welcomed in the market." He said that the industry will be out of the question if we do not focus on technology application and content production. 

Zhao Yifang stressed the significance of digital communication, "through digital broadcasting platform and channel, the content can become more accurate, specialized and diversified based on big data, which will enhance the creativity, originality and innovation of content products." On the other hand, in the era of digital economy, the ecological value of the film and television industry has been enlarged. "From the copyright income of TV stations to the copyright payment of video platforms, the charge distribution among members, and various commercialization methods, these changes have opened up the market space for new digital consumption of film and television content." 

At present, traditional radio and television platforms are also actively exploring the transformation opportunities that technological innovation may bring. Shanghai Media Group will take the strategy of BesTV + streaming media to drive the transformation of the entire platform. Beijing Media Network has started the construction of the 4K UHD production and broadcasting system, and plans to roll out the 4K UHD channel for the Winter Olympics documentary by the end of the year. It is also preparing the 8K experimental channel and the 5G high-tech video station. Hunan Broadcasting System will carry out strategic cooperation with China Mobile, Huawei, iFlytek, and China Broadcasting Network Corporation Ltd to promote 5G HD video multi-scenario application. An "NRTA (Intelligent National Radio and Television Administration)" system is being blueprinted. 


Host Units: State Administration of Radio and Television   China Media Group   Shanghai Municipal People's Government

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