2019-06-13 10:29:05

Finding a Way Out from Integration and Creating Excellent Products Through Innovation--The Successfu

With the continuous expansion of users and market size, the Internet film and television industry has become the backbone of the cultural front that cannot be ignored. However, the greater the impact, the greater the responsibility. How the film and television industry responds to the development of the times in its integration with the Internet and how the Internet industry assumes the leading responsibility in its cooperation with the film and television are hot issues that the industry and itself are concerned about.

On June 12, the Internet Summit of 2019 Shanghai International Film and Television Festival ended. From the authoritative Internet Summit dialogue and theme forum to the four quality forums that embody the high quality content and the highly popular quality festival, the Internet Summit has always highlighted the platform responsibility of the Shanghai International Film and Television Festival in theme planning. With "quality" as the key word, the summit\'s industry leadership, market credibility and audience influence are increasing day by day.

In the summit, important figures gather together and many guests attended. They exchange views and output intensively. Looking back on this industry carnival of the past two days, the Internet Summit not only put forward the slogan of "collecting high-quality works" in the process of soul-gathering, vigour-gathering and confidence-building, but also opened a brand-new window for the in-depth integration of the Internet and film and television, and the upgrading of the quality of network audio-visual.

Set up the wind vane 
Strengthen the mission and responsibility, and keep culture inheritance innovation in serving the overall situation

The summit includes a summit dialogue to discuss the future of the industry together, a keynote forum to make authoritative reports and top-quality lists, a top-quality grand ceremony to gather stars and draw the audience closer, and four top-quality forums to focus on content. In a short period of two days, the content in the Internet Summit of 2019 Shanghai International Film and Television Festival was refined, but it was relatively comprehensive and systematically gathered top-quality small projects, hot topics and key figures in the current Internet film and television industry. In the past two days, the number of people registered online for the summit alone has increased by more than 70% compared with last year, and the actual number of people attending the summit has also increased significantly compared with last year.

In response to the industry\'s concerns, the 2019 Internet Summit also responded resoundingly with solid content and positive communication: During the Summit, the two major reports of "2019 China Excellent Network Video Research Report" and the "2019 Blue Book of China\'s Audio-Visual New Media were released, systematically combing the creation of the network audio-visual content and summarizing the current situation of the network, including the network audio-visual publicity position is constantly consolidating and expanding, the Internet audio-visual program service continues to flourish, the quality of high-quality products continues to improve, the interaction between Internet and television is further strengthened, technological innovation drives industrial upgrading, and international cooperation moves towards in-depth development etc. Among them, the 2019 China Excellent Network Video Research Report, jointly released by the Development Research Center of the National Radio and Television Administration, the Shanghai International Film and Television Festival Center and the Audio-Visual Communication Research Center of Peking University, also elaborates in detail on the creation of excellent works in the fields of network variety, network drama, network movie and short video content. While sharing the authoritative information of the industry, it points out the direction for future creation.

In addition to the authoritative release, the four Internet film and television quality forums focusing on IP development, Internet movies, Internet dramas, and Internet variety shows are full of real stuff. Judging from the on-site discussions, the topics mentioned most frequently by the participants were "industry mission" and "quality consciousness". It should be said that with the official arrival of the 5G era and the continuous deepening of the integration of Internet and TV, the network audio-visual industry pays more attention to the details of management structure and the guidance of values, and it has become the consensus of the industry to forge excellent products in the innovation of keeping the culture inheritance in 2019.

Cui Chenghao, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Development Research Center in the National Radio and Television Administration and executive deputy editor-in-chief of the Audio-visual New Media Development Report, said, "Online audio-visual is an important cultural carrier for enlightening thoughts and cultivating aesthetics. This year is the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China. We must keep pace with the times, adhere to the consciousness of quality products, stick to leading the fashion, work hard and broadcast the pilot works of the great times, and jointly write a new chapter of a better era!"

Cui Chenghao, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Development Research Center in the National Radio and Television Administration and executive deputy editor-in-chief of the Audio-visual New Media Development Report

Building new Highlands 
Gather advantageous enterprises, projects and talents for Shanghai to consolidate its leading position

From the "Mobile Phone Film Festival" and "Internet Movie Series" to the Internet Summit which was appeared on the platform of the Shanghai International Film and Television Festival last year, the Shanghai International Film and Television Festival, as an authoritative platform, keenly captures the new trend of the integration of the Internet and the film and television industry. Through the cooperation with Putuo District of Shanghai, which is the highland of the development of the Internet film and television industry, Shanghai International Film and Television Festival has created a platform for communicate, exchanges and transactions among many advantageous enterprises, projects and talents.

As a pioneer of reform and opening up and a leader of innovation and development, Shanghai has successively introduced a series of measures in recent years including "50 Articles of Literary Creation", "Making Shanghai Four Brands" and "Optimizing Business Environment" to build a global film and television creation center, consolidate the leading position of domestic network culture, and make continuous efforts to incubate and cultivate talents while building the film and television industry system. At the same time, under the national strategy of "integration of the Yangtze River Delta" and high-quality development, Shanghai has actively linked with its brother provinces and cities in the Yangtze River Delta to fully mobilize film and television cultural resources, complement each other\'s advantages and cooperate with each other to promote the film and television industry in the Yangtze River Delta to enter a new era and new development.

Therefore, during the Internet Summit Dialogue that has been held for five consecutive years, leading figures from the Internet and film fields such as Fan Luyuan, Cheng Wu, Gong Yu, Zhao Yifang, Hou Hongliang, Ma Zhongjun, Ye Ning, Sun Zheyi, Wu Wenhui, Li Haifeng, Zheng Huaping, Hong Fei and Zeng Xiulian also actively shared their understanding of the Shanghai film and television environment.

Through sorting out the views of the participants, Shanghai has three advantages: First, it has a unique geographical advantage. Shanghai is a film and television front facing the world. If it wants to radiate the whole country and connect with overseas countries, Shanghai is an important "bridgehead" and "big wharf"; Second, the excellent comprehensive strength, regardless of the economy, science and technology, culture, education or innovation atmosphere, Shanghai is a city "where people don\'t want to leave when they come"; Third, the unparalleled business environment, Shanghai has launched a series of active film and television policies and production services, constantly improving the film and television industry facilities, and warmly welcoming high-quality enterprises, projects and talents.

At present, the film and television market is in a stage of drastic transformation. Enterprises in the upstream and downstream sectors of the industry urgently need more opportunities for policy sharing, service guidance and trend discussion. The holding of the Internet Summit of the 2019 Shanghai International Film and Television Festival has realized the function of soul-gathering, vigour-gathering and confidence-building, which has strongly encouraged high-quality enterprises, talents and projects to gather in Shanghai, encouraged the industry to tell more "Shanghai stories", and strived to deliver a more beautiful "Shanghai answer sheet" for China\'s Internet film and television industry.

Inject "Heart-strengthening Needle" 
Quality Ceremony and Top 100 IP cheer for "top quality" and "innovation"

At this Internet Summit, industry representatives at the frontline firmly stated that the environment is not the decisive factor affecting the development of the industry, the real core is whether the content itself can stand the test of the market and the audience. After "slimming down" and "improving quality" in 2018, a large number of excellent Internet movies and TV programs not only greatly meet the needs of the audience, but also continue to release the positive signal that "quality is king".

In order to commend sincere creation, inspire the consciousness of innovation, and lead the creation of excellent content in the future, this Internet Summit released " 2019 Internet Film and Television Quality Rankings" and "2018 Top 100 IP", injecting a "heart-strengthening needle" for the industry. Through the public solicitation in the early stage of the Internet Summit and rigorous evaluation system selection, we have extensively invited well-known creators, platforms, producers and academic representatives in the industry to select 25 works to enter the list with the support of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (special general partnership), an independent statistical agency of the event.

At that grand ceremony of Internet Film and Television Quality held on the evening of June 11, the main film and television creators with both capacity and popularity made a brilliant appearance and attracted the attention of the whole network. The list information released on the spot fully affirmed the realistic creation, the consciousness of industry innovation, the promotion of excellent culture, and the positive guidance of youth group values. It not only embodies authority, but also has persuasiveness and universality. After being launched, it has aroused strong repercussions on the Internet.

It is especially worth mentioning that how to discover IP with real long-term development value from the massive resources and how to further expand its social value and commercial value through film and TV plays have become the focus of the industry. In order to deliver high-quality products to the film and television industry in line with the needs of the new era, this Internet Summit introduced comic books for the first time on the basis of original literature, and authoritatively released the "Top 100 IP of 2018" list, which provides a powerful guide for the development of high-quality products of the entire industry from the source.

The summit ended successfully with big influence. This Internet Summit not only has a high level, intention and highlights, but also will continue to inspire the whole industry full of cultural confidence to create a better future!

Host Units: State Administration of Radio and Television   China Media Group   Shanghai Municipal People's Government

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